My Book
A sequel that's better than the original.
The second edition of Photography by the Letter has been updated with nearly 80 new terms over more than 100 additional pages. Plus, there are more photographs, diagrams, exercises, Q&As, and tips.

My Paintings
Color & Texture
I think my visual work is inspired by film, graphic design, and typography as much as it is by modernism and abstract expressionist artists like Robert Rauschenberg and Cy Twombly. My paintings are rooted in using process and materials to create layers of physical texture and dense visual narratives.
My Podcast
Going Deep
For more than fifteen years, I've been recording deep-dive podcast conversations with photographers and creatives about what they do and why they do it. Soon, I'll be launching a brand new show that will expand on what I started with shows like Process Driven and Deep Natter. I'm looking for connections—to makers and their work and to everyday people I meet in the world through our shared experiences. I hope you'll join me.
My Newsletter
In Iterations, my "mostly weekly" newsletter, I share stories and offer suggestions and strategies (my own and from others) for how to work through the challenges around creating and releasing what we make into the world. I also provide occasional links to things I've come across and find interesting enough to share.
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About me
Long story short...
I am endlessly curious—about people, about the creative process, about line, shape, and color—and both my personal and professional pursuits are driven by learning, discovering, imagining, listening, celebrating, and making.
As a child, I filled notebooks with sketches and doodles, dreaming of being an animator at Disney. That didn’t happen, but I have had decades of incredible experiences and opportunities—creative and otherwise—that have taken me from one end of the country to the other. I’ve done regional theater in Texas, Alabama, and New York, worked at a special effects house in the San Fernando Valley, did a stint at a post production facility in Hollywood, and was even an art director at an iconic movie studio. All along the way, I’ve tried to absorb as much as I could, knowing that all of these seemingly unrelated experiences would one day coalesce and provide me with a very unique set of skills that I have refined and honed into something special and wholly unique.
If you'd like to know more, just ask.
Coming Soon
I'm still getting things together for the store, but originals and prints will be available soon. Subscribe to my newsletter for free to be notified when the shop goes live.
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